Monday, January 16, 2012

Successful Folks Have Mission Statements

Over the past few days I've been thinking about mission statements.  I've always associated mission statements with successful companies and organizations  => what are we?  why do we exist?  what do we produce?  who are our customers?

Shouldn't successful people have personal mission statements?  

In my mind, I have the rudimentary bud of a personal mission statement.  Also in my mind is the heavy sense that I should not only formulate a well-developed mission statement but commit it to paper (or computer, in this case).  

Who am I? 
 Because I've put my faith in Christ, I am a child of God (John 1:12), I've been given the Holy Spirit (John 15:16), I am forgiven (1John 1:9), I have eternal life (1John 5:13), my body is God's temple (1Corinthians 3:16), I have been given not only talents but also spiritual gifts (Romans 12:6)

Why do I exist?  
In humility to love and glorify God (Micah 6:6-8), to share the Gospel of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20), to love others (Matthew 22:37-39).

What do I produce and how?  
Good works, using the talents, gifts, and resources I have (Matthew 5:16).

Who are my customers?  
Husband, children, parents, cousins, friends, neighbors, anyone I meet (James 2:8).

So here it is......
A Farm Girl's Mission Statement

I, this ordinary farm girl, am a Christ follower and child of God.  My sins are forgiven, the Holy Spirit is in my heart guiding me, my body is the temple of the living God.  Because of my relationship with Christ, I have eternal life:  my soul will live forever with the triune God.  He has given me talents, creativity and skills in writing, drawing, cooking, sewing, knitting, housekeeping, gardening, and much more AND has given me the gifts of encouragement and serving to bless Him and everyone in my life.  My goal is to love and glorify God by obeying His commands, sharing the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ, loving Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and loving others.  Using the special abilities He has equipped me with, I will bless my family and all those whom God puts in my life by meeting their needs, encouraging them and refreshing their souls.

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