Thursday, March 15, 2012

Humble...Like a Child

My cousin's 2 year-old granddaughter sat in my lap at the kitchen table.  While I visited with my uncle and cousins, she played contentedly with the little toys kept in a bowl on the table just for her.  After occupying herself in toyland for quite a while, she told me that she wanted to write on paper.  My eyes asked her grandmother if this was acceptable; she nodded consent and handed me a booklet with a blank cover.  The toddler picked up a pen and noticing that the cap was on it, hesitated.  I put my hands over her little ones, pulled the cap off and turned it to place it on the pen's other end, explaining the steps.  She didn't resist.  She didn't pull away demanding that she do it alone.  She yielded to my instruction.

Later that evening, I recalled that almost unnoticeable event.  It was instinctive for me to want to teach, and seemingly, for her to want to learn.  I thought about the lessons in my life and the many teachers.  I assessed my own willingness to learn, and of my lack of willingness.  Remembering that I have an ever-present teacher, the Holy Spirit, I asked myself this question:  Do I allow the Holy Spirit to, in essence, put His hands over mine to show me the right way to do things?  Ashamed, I realized that I've resisted His instructions;  I've pulled away demanding that He let me do it myself.  I am reminded of the disastrous results, and yet also of the grace that's mine.  He is still there, willing to teach me, often repeatedly.  

Lord, help me remember to humble myself, to yield to You, so I can learn from You.

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."   Matthew 18:4 NIV

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